
how to knit a bookmark

Knitting a bookmark is a fun and quick knitting project, perfect for beginners. Here’s a simple pattern to help you create your own knitted bookmark:

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Worsted-weight yarn in your chosen color (you can use leftover yarn from other projects)
  • Knitting needles (size US 7 or 4.5 mm is a good starting point)
  • Scissors
  • Yarn needle for weaving in ends
  • Optional: a tapestry needle for adding fringe or tassels


  1. Cast On:
    • Start by casting on stitches. You can choose any number of stitches, depending on how wide you want your bookmark to be. For a standard-size bookmark, cast on about 20 stitches. You can use the long-tail cast-on or any other cast-on method you prefer.
  2. Knit the Rows:
    • Once you’ve cast on, start knitting each row in the garter stitch pattern, which means you knit every row. Knit each row until your bookmark reaches your desired length. A common bookmark length is around 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm), but you can make it longer or shorter as you like.
  3. Bind Off:
    • When your bookmark is the desired length, it’s time to bind off. To do this, knit the first two stitches, then use the left needle to lift the first stitch over the second stitch and off the right needle. Continue knitting one stitch and passing the previous stitch over it until you’ve bound off all the stitches. Cut the yarn, leaving a tail of a few inches.
  4. Finishing:
    • Weave in the loose ends using a yarn needle to secure them. Trim any excess yarn.
  5. Optional Fringe or Tassels:
    • If you’d like to add a decorative touch to your bookmark, you can make fringe or tassels at one or both ends. Here’s how:
      • For Fringe: Cut several strands of yarn, each about 6 inches (15 cm) long. Fold them in half, then use a crochet hook or tapestry needle to pull the folded end through the bottom edge of your bookmark. Thread the loose ends through the loop created by folding the yarn, and pull tight to secure. Trim the fringe to your desired length.
      • For Tassels: Cut a longer strand of yarn (about 12 inches or 30 cm). Fold it in half and use a tapestry needle to pull the folded end through the bottom edge of your bookmark. Thread the loose ends through the loop created by folding the yarn and pull tight. Trim the loop to create a tassel. You can also add beads or charms to the tassel for extra flair.
  6. Press and Block (Optional):
    • If you want your bookmark to lie flat and look neat, you can lightly press it with a warm iron. Place a cloth or towel between the bookmark and the iron to avoid damaging the yarn. You can also block it by wetting it and pinning it into shape, then allowing it to dry.

That’s it! You’ve successfully knitted a bookmark. Feel free to experiment with different colors, stitches, or yarn textures to create unique bookmarks for yourself or as thoughtful gifts for friends and family.

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