
how to knit a duck for beginners

Knitting a simple duck is a fun project for beginners. Here’s a basic pattern to help you create a knitted duck:

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Worsted-weight yellow yarn for the body
  • Small amounts of orange and black yarn for the beak and eyes
  • Knitting needles (size US 7 or 4.5 mm)
  • Polyester fiberfill or stuffing
  • Yarn needle for sewing and weaving in ends
  • Scissors



  1. Cast On:
    • Start by casting on stitches. You’ll cast on 14 stitches for the body.
  2. Knit Rows:
    • Knit every row in the garter stitch pattern until your work measures approximately 5 inches (13 cm) in length. This will form the body of the duck.
  3. Bind Off:
    • When your knitting reaches the desired length, bind off all stitches. Cut the yarn, leaving a tail of a few inches.
  4. Head and Beak:
    • With the yellow yarn, cast on 8 stitches.
    • Knit every row in garter stitch for about 2 inches (5 cm). This forms the head.
    • Bind off all stitches, leaving a tail of yarn.
    • Use the same yarn tail to create a beak. Fold the head piece in half to form a triangle shape, with the cast-on edge as the base of the beak. Use the yarn tail to sew the sides of the triangle together, leaving a small opening at the tip for stuffing.
  5. Eyes:
    • With black yarn, create two small French knots or use small pieces of black felt to make the eyes. Sew them onto the head.
  6. Assembly:
    • Fold the body piece in half lengthwise, with the right sides facing each other. Sew the side seam, leaving an opening at the bottom for stuffing.
    • Stuff the body with polyester fiberfill to your desired level of plumpness.
    • Sew the bottom opening closed.
    • Attach the head to the top of the body, sewing it in place securely.
  7. Wings (Optional):
    • With yellow yarn, cast on 6 stitches.
    • Knit every row in garter stitch for a few rows, creating a small rectangular piece.
    • Bind off all stitches, leaving a tail of yarn.
    • Fold the rectangle in half, and sew the sides together to create a wing shape.
    • Attach the wings to the sides of the body.
  8. Finishing:
    • Weave in all loose ends securely.

And there you have it—a cute, knitted duck! Feel free to customize your duck by adding details like a ribbon around its neck or by using different colors of yarn for a unique look. This pattern is great for practicing basic knitting techniques and creating a charming little duck friend.

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