
how to level shuffleboard table

Leveling a shuffleboard table is crucial to ensure fair and accurate gameplay. Here’s how to level a shuffleboard table:

Tools You’ll Need:

  • A carpenter’s level (at least 4 feet long)
  • Wooden shims or leveling feet
  • A wrench or pliers
  • A friend to assist (optional)


  1. Choose a Level Playing Area:
    • Place your shuffleboard table in a location with a level floor. A concrete basement floor or a well-leveled wooden floor is ideal. Avoid placing the table on carpet, as it can make leveling more challenging.
  2. Assemble the Necessary Tools:
    • Gather your carpenter’s level, shims or leveling feet, and a wrench or pliers.
  3. Remove the Shuffleboard Playing Surface:
    • Carefully remove the playing surface (the long wooden board) from the table’s cradle. You may need assistance for this step, as the playing surface can be heavy and unwieldy.
  4. Check for Level:
    • Place the carpenter’s level across the width of the table’s cradle, positioning it along the centerline where the playing surface rests. Check the bubble in the level to determine if the table is level from side to side.
  5. Adjust Side-to-Side Level:
    • If the bubble is not centered, you’ll need to make adjustments. Start by placing wooden shims or leveling feet under the low side of the table’s cradle. Gradually add shims or adjust leveling feet until the bubble in the level is centered.
  6. Check for Level Lengthwise:
    • Place the carpenter’s level along the length of the table’s cradle to check for levelness from front to back.
  7. Adjust Front-to-Back Level:
    • If needed, place shims or adjust leveling feet under the low side of the table’s cradle to level it from front to back. Ensure that the bubble is centered when checking lengthwise.
  8. Recheck Both Directions:
    • After making adjustments, recheck the level both from side to side and front to back. Make additional adjustments as necessary to achieve a perfectly level table.
  9. Replace the Playing Surface:
    • Carefully place the shuffleboard playing surface back onto the cradle, ensuring it rests evenly across the entire width of the table.
  10. Check Table Level Again:
    • Once the playing surface is in place, double-check the levelness of the table using the carpenter’s level. It should remain level even with the playing surface on.
  11. Test Gameplay:
    • Test the shuffleboard table with a few practice shots to ensure the pucks slide evenly and accurately. Adjustments may be necessary if the table doesn’t play evenly.
  12. Secure Leveling Adjustments:
    • Once you are satisfied with the levelness and gameplay, secure the wooden shims or leveling feet in place to prevent them from shifting.
  13. Regular Maintenance:
    • Periodically check the table’s level, especially if you move it or if it’s been in storage. Tables can settle over time, so routine maintenance is essential for accurate gameplay.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your shuffleboard table is level and provides a fair and enjoyable playing experience for you and your friends.

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